Create custom dice, play any dice/coin game, Points game and share scores onlinePlay with 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 sided dice or 2 sided coins. Use as many dic
Create custom dice, play any dice/coin game, Points game and share scores online
Play with 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 sided dice or 2 sided coins. Use as many dice as you want, how you want to.
Looking for another dice game? Play the Bouncy Dice Points Game and share your high score online if you feel like it.
Want different dice? Create your own custom dice from your pictures or from a selection of numbers and pictures.
Eyes have trouble seeing normal dice? Create huge custom dice that are much easier to see. Use provided images to create the dice or your own.
Use the touch screen, shake, keyboard, menu, remote, or tilt your phone to move and roll dice. Multi touch allows flicking, picking up, and rotating dice.
Set a custom background from your pictures or with one of the many provided backgrounds.
Lock some dice to freeze the side they are on to allow rolling others.
The Roll history screen tracks your rolls if you want to check them later.
View help from menu in app or online at
Requires permission to your pictures so you can create custom dice and set backgrounds or save dice snapshots.
Requires permission to network so if you want you can share your high scores for Bouncy Dice Points Game online.
If you don't want the occasional ad (none while you are rolling) you can purchase the paid version at
If you have any issues, questions, suggestions, or just want to share pictures of some custom dice you created then send them to [email protected]